By Terry Weber

In LITTLE WOMEN, the musical, “Give me a task to do” is spoken on several occasions by the character of Jo March. It is a signature mantra for this young woman full of energy, optimism, and talent.

When there is much to be done, Jo volunteers for something specific as her responsibility, tackling her task with vitality and joy.

When she is buried under a load of grief, not knowing where to turn for comfort, giving herself over to a task is her first step toward recovery.

When her dreams are before her, she plans the tasks necessary to make them come true.

As we enter tech week for LITTLE WOMEN, The WordPlayers can take courage from the story’s main character. There is no lack of tasks during tech week. In fact, as many of you well know, sometimes it seems as if the tasks outnumber the hours remaining to complete them before Opening Night. Sometimes it seems as if the tasks aren’t coming together in any coherent way. How can there possibly be a glorious opening?

The coming of the Kingdom of God can seem like tech week. People try so hard to complete a given task, often falling short or failing to see how their task fits into the big picture. Other people feel inadequate or unprepared for their task, possibly because they’ve never actually been asked to play a role like the one they’ve taken on. Everyone trusts that God is in control, but as his people stumble and struggle through their tasks – or as some refuse to take them on – the promised glory of the Kingdom is hidden in fear and doubt.

Despite the uncertainty, however, there are glimpses of the glory to come.

Amid the biggest problems of tech week, there will be that one moment when all the elements – acting, singing, music, lights, sound, costumes, scenery – converge into a bit of magic that lifts the spirits of the entire company and reminds us of why we do this. Our faith in the glorious promise of Opening Night is restored. We joyously move on to the next task.

In our journey of faith with God, even in the darkest corners of the valley of shadows, there will be that one moment when all of God’s unconditional love is showered upon us. We glimpse the promise of glory.

Jesus said in Matthew 14:31: “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” This verse resonates for me in many areas of my life, including tech week. Give me a task to do!